There are thousands of people who are familiar with natural Oils and Herbs, whose healing properties have been known and enjoyed by mankind for many thousands of years, but in todays highly charged environment, people not only have no quality time to think, but the Covid 19 experience has radically changed attitudes and the way our medical services are delivered.
Our planet is blessed with so many natural organisms that have a proven track record. Read out the benefits of different Oils and Herbs which can use for daily purpose remedies.
How to calm anxiety stress and sleep?

Lavender, one of the more popular essential oils is the most frequently recommended essential oil to aid sleep and relaxation. Lavender interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA to help quiet the brain and nervous system activity, reducing agitation, anger, aggression, and restlessness. The major components of lavender oil are linalyl acetate (51%) and linalool (35%) which are chemicals that are both rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.
How to use Lavender essential oil?
Before going to bed, put 1-2 drops of Lavender essential oil on Cloth or cotton balls, inhale its aroma, or add the oil to an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer.
How to boost the immune system?

Have you ever wondered how your immune system acts and reacts to protect you from harm? Its not usually something we think about, but it plays a very important role in ensuring you stay healthy under any circumstances. Having a strong immunity can go a long way in ensuring that you continue to remain healthy and less susceptible to contracting illness and diseases.
Black seed is one of the most revered medicinal seeds in history and has been in use for over 3,000 years by various cultures as a natural, curative remedy for numerous disorders.
Black seed is a rich source of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, proteins, and complex carbohydrates, the most extensively studied constituent being the antioxidant thymoquinone. Its strong ability to protect cells from free radical damage and maintain cell integrity and function has made black seed one of the foremost herbs used to support immune health.
How to use black seed?
To use black seed, you must heat raw seeds and grind them before eating them. You can also combine them with honey, water, yogurt, or other food, or drink black seed oil mix with raw Honey with warm water or add 1 spoon into tea.
Which food helps to maintain or lose weight?

If you want to lose weight fast, youd need a healthy diet and a disciplined exercise routine. Fitness experts say that adding a teaspoon of flaxseed to your diet will help you reach your goals faster.
Flaxseeds are loaded with the two essential fatty acids: Omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and Omega-6 (linoleic acid) which cannot be produced in the body. The essential fatty acids help reduce inflammation. Flaxseeds is also a good source of thermo genic, which is the fat-burning compound, said various nutritionists.

How to add flaxseed to your daily diet?
Sprinkling ground flaxseeds over your hot or cold breakfast cereal. Experts recommend about 2-4 tablespoons of flaxseeds per day for effective weight loss.
Which superfoods are good antioxidants?

Antioxidants help protect cells against free radicals produced by digesting food, smoking, and radiation exposure. Antioxidants from plant-based sources such as Moringa powder are considered best. Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often called the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree. It is extremely low in fats with no harmful cholesterol and It also contains
- Vitamin A helps maintains healthy vision and immunity.
- Vitamin C protects the body from pollutants and toxins.
- Vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant

How to intake Moringa powder?
Here at Oils and Herbs, we are seeking to encourage fresh minds to talk, read about and learn about the many healing substances provided by nature; our planet is blessed with so many natural organisms that have a proven track record.
Visit our website, and get answers to your many questions, or call and speak with our herbalist, read out the benefits of using different kinds of essential oils, black seed oil, and others herbs.
About us:
Oils and Herbs UK is family owned business for organic health products founded by the team of herbalist.
About the author:
DR. AKHLAQ AHMED Sr. Consultant in Unani Medicine with more than 45 yrs. experience, Ex. Hon. the physician to President of India. Click Here to know more
*These article is based on the secondary publications .The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.