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Osteo Care Herbs- Mixture of effective 4 herbs

(15 customer reviews)


What is Osteo Care Herbs?

Keep your joints flexible and comfortable with Eazzy Home Remedies- Osteo care Herbs. It is the perfect mix of natural and effective healing herbs Clochicum, White cumin, Black cardamom and ashwagandha which are used in Greek and Ayurveda medicine. It helps keep joints healthy, naturally reduces inflammations of joints.Ingredients:Each 5gm Pdr

  • Colchicum (Cholchicumautumnale) 1.43g,
  • White cuminCuminumcyminum1.43g,
  • Black cardamom Amomumsubulatum 0.71g
  • Ashwagandha Withania somnifera1.43g
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Osteo Care Herbs- Mixture of effective 4 herbs
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