Lime Tree Honey -100% Raw and Organic

(17 customer reviews)


Raw Linden tree honey
Lime Tree Honey -100% Raw and Organic

Lime tree honey is a honey that’s produced in North America, the U.K., and other parts of Europe. This nectar has three distinctive names: Basswood Nectar, Lime nectar, and Linden Nectar. The honey made from the nectar of Bulgarian Linden trees are prized for its one-of-a-kind taste and smell, and since a yearly linden honey crop can’t be ensured, it’s indeed more valuable.

Our Bulgarian Lime tree Honey is specifically from the forest of Bulgaria. It is raw, certified organic, unfiltered, unpasteurized, and living as natural as in the event that you collected it yourself.

Why us?

  • 100% Natural, Raw and Organic.
  • Certified organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized.
  • Includes pollen, propolis & enzymes
  • Ethically Sourced from the forest of Bulgaria

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