Osteo Care Herbs- Mixture of effective 4 herbs


osteo care herbs
Osteo Care Herbs- Mixture of effective 4 herbs

What is Osteo Care Herbs?

Keep your joints flexible and comfortable with Eazzy Home Remedies- Osteo care Herbs. It is the perfect mix of natural and effective healing herbs – Clochicum, White cumin, Black cardamom and ashwagandha which are used in Greek and Ayurveda medicine. It helps keep joints healthy, naturally reduces inflammations of joints.

Ingredients: Each 5gm Pdr

  • Colchicum (Cholchicumautumnale) 1.43g,
  • White cuminCuminumcyminum1.43g,
  • Black cardamom Amomumsubulatum 0.71g
  • Ashwagandha Withania somnifera1.43g
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